

Welcome to our little home base. We are Happiness Junkies from the Amsterdam area with El on vocals & piano, Onno on guitar. We produce dreamy melancholic alt rock

Happy to meet you...

Our Happiness Junkies album contains 10 original songs, written, recorded, mixed & produced by HJ and mastered by Don Tyler at IO Mastering, Los Angeles, CA.

Check out our sound...? >> MUSIC page

 RADIO / PRESS  : get our Electronic Press Kit >> EPK

Updated SEPTEMBER 6, 2024
WIN cool FREE 'HAPPINESS JUNKIES' t-shirt... JOIN CONTEST in the NEWS section... and check out our MUSIC links in the NEWS section... our little song of hope in these times 'You Can Leave Your Light On' added to Spotify playlist 'Repeat Rewind' (made by Spotify)... 'Miss You Like Crazy' in radiopromo...

go to EPK 


>> let's go Shopping

>> our studio monks story

  >> PINS & PICS

'music that makes you feel and think' (Indie-Spoonful.com)..'welcome addiction'..'love that voice'...'she reminds me of Portishead' >> Reviews & Quotes

Thoughts to share? Send us a


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Our studio monks story
we've been loving music all of our life and have played in several groups of people, and now returning home, to the core, making music with just the two of us... but like John Lennon said: 'Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans...' so while writing and recording these songs guided us to a new approach in making music and living life. around El's vocals we started working with an octave pedal, a guitar loop here and there... the way guitar and piano entwined was totally new to us. and above all, it fascinated us... but before we were able to explore this new approach of making music some more, life invited us to first learn some more, gain some wisdom and get some new insights, like what to do and how to find your emotional balance when temporarely you can't do what you love so much... gaining too much dust on a 6-string, dreaming about writing and recording new songs. now that's a testcase, for a happiness junkie... so here we are back again to where we once started...

Meanwhile we treasure the little eruptions of creativity of the past, present and future and thank our heroes for inspiring us and hope you'll enjoy the fruits of our travels sofar.
happy greetings, El & Onno ~ Happiness Junkies


JUNE 6, 2024


>WATCH our music video on YouTube: 'On a Tuscan hill'

>WATCH our music video for Miss You Like Crazy (single edit) on YouTube... just click below

>>WATCH VIDEO of our little song of hope 'YOU CAN LEAVE YOUR LIGHT ON' on Youtube - this track is added to Spotify playlist 'Repeat Rewind' (made by Spotify)






>>'Miss You Like Crazy (single edit)' added to 'Women to Watch - Best Female Artists' playlist on National Indie Radio (WNIR), US

>REVIEW: "...Happiness Junkies draw you in - like a moth to a low-lit flame - and the surprise is that the flame doesn't extinguish you, instead it keeps you warm and content. "Oh you bring out the sun - bring out the sun - nothing lasts forever except love, 'cause love will always carry on - carry on." (pleasepasstheindie.com)

>> WIN your FREE cool Happiness Junkies cool band T-SHIRT in your fave size and colour! How? Send us your ONELINER review of our music. Enter competition and mail us your personal review


>> our songs Miss You Like Crazy and You Can Leave Your Light On have been added to popular Spotify playlists like 'Repeat Rewind' (made by Spotify), 'On Repeat' (made by Spotify), 'The Future is Female', 'Blues of the World', 'Radio' (by Spotify!), 'Meine Shazam', 'Flannels & PBR', 'New Music Friday', 'Top 40 Alternative Hits' and 'A Star Is Born Soundtrack' - all cool playlists... (follow our music on Spotify? click here...)



Happiness Junkies have recently been interviewed by Joshua, co-founder of MidTNmusic, an interesting music mag from Tennessee.

"In this interview spotlight, I chat with Happiness Junkies about their latest project, challenges, listening preferences, technology and more.Full Q&A along with links and music below..." (like to read some more? click:
MidTNmusic interview Happiness Junkies)



REVIEW ON INDIE SPOONFUL.com: "...music that makes you feel and think...  intelligent lyrics that you can ease your mind into...  El’s voice is very moving. When she sings, it hits a nerve deep in the soul and stays. She has a clear, warm and articulate tone that resonates with the track’s pensive vibe... (about You Can Leave Your Light On:) The song’s mesmerizing arrangement has a floating feeling that listeners will get lost in. At the very end El elevates her vocals for an overall very convincing performance....  Lyrically, the songwriting is superb...  True to their genre, the Happiness Junkies are never sappy or overtly sentimental and this is key to making really good melancholic rock. With moving vocals, creative guitar playing and intelligent lyrics, the pensive and dreamy Happiness Junkies are a welcome addiction."

(read the full review here...)


Being indies we are happy with every bit of airplay we get... like:

>>'TAKIN' IT TO THE STREETS...' FEATURED ON BIRCH STREET RADIO, MONTREAL, CANADA - Making our debut on Canadian radio waves... Dan at Birch Street Radio (LISTEN) from Montreal just told us: 'We've decided to add "You Can Leave Your Light On" to our regular playlist as one of our featured New Music tracks. That means it will get about a dozen spins a week, then settle back into our big music mix.' what a cool internet radio station, they're also broadcasting in US and rest of the world! besides indies they're playing a mix of the unknown and known like The Cranberries, The Beatles, John Mayer, Coldplay and David Byrne

>>A HELLO FROM ARGENTINA 'Blur FM' from Argentina adds "You Can Leave Your Light On" on Punto Caramelo, a late night playlist consisting on downtempo and chill out melodies. (BlurFM, Buenos Aires, Argentina) LISTEN HERE...

>>IN MEXICO THEY HAVE MORE TALENTS THAN BREW GREAT BEER - they have great radios too, like La Libelula Radio! and they're playing our track You Can Leave Your Light On as their Single of the Week: (come on, how's your Spanish?) 'Ellos son Happiness Junkies y son nuestra recomendación de la semana.  Ya puedes escuchar su single “You Can Leave Light On” en nuestra programación' -- back to English now, they say: -- 'It is a relaxed disc, it's sound variations can bring you from the most powerful to the most clear and magical' (and now in Spanish:) 'Es un disco relajado, pero que sus variaciones sonoras pueden transportarte de lo más poderoso a lo más claro y mágico...' GO TO La Libélula Radio, Mexico

>>HUH?! EXILE ON MAIN STREET...? our debut album has been chosen 'Featured New Music Album' on ExileFM radio from UK. radio dj Martin Haskell is known for discovering new bands and being an advocate of new music. airplay for Just Say So, On a Tuscan Hill and Happiness Junkie -- and commenting: 'fantastic album...' LISTEN? jump to this Sunday Brunch PODCAST or ExileFM UK

>>MORE SUNSHINE FROM CALIFORNIA - 'Love it...love it...love it. Just listening to You Can Leave Your Light On... superb', says Dave Postal, Music Director of Laurel Canyon Radio (listen), a popular station located in the hills of California, also playing tunes by The Eagles has been playing our track On a Tuscan Hill some Soundcloud Sunday's in a row now...

>>AIRPLAY GERMANY - Radio Trier (loc: Germany's oldest city) playing HJ tracks Miss You Like Crazy, Just Say So, You Can Leave Your Light On (aka LYLO)... have a listen & playlist on Independent Radio Trier

also: airplay on NBTMusicradio broadcasting internet radio from Germany, Toronto and worldwide (except US)

>>AIRPLAY SINGAPORE - sunday febr 10 from 13:00-14:00 Amsterdam Time on 973FM Singapore - Blasts That Last, show called Alternative Arena, playing our new single LYLO. listen LIVE to 973FM Online Radio Singapore

>>AIRPLAY BARCELONA - ScannerFM.com: 'Great stuff, we will sure play it at ScannerFM' (music director Carlos)

>>we're featured Artist Of The Month on ARTISTFIRST RADIO, Ohio (US) - they invited us for a 1 hour LIVE radio special with phone interview talks and 6 HJ tracks.. 'this gotta be the band name of the year', dj Zman said... 'and I like their deep rich full sound' -- listen podcast on www.artistfirst.com (choose one of the 3 radio formats)

>> HJ DEBUT ON KALX 90.7FM, (CA) U.S.  - freeform radio KALX 90.7FM, University of Berkeley, CA has been featured in the TOP-10 of the Most Influencial College Radios in the US - their Deep Mission host Mark Langan has given HJ our debut on his show Deep Mission (6-9PM Pacific time). -- right after David Bowie's legendary song Heroes he chose our track On a Tuscan Hill... check Playlist in our photo PINS section (or enjoy listening) - radio DJ Mark has a great show presenting a tasteful mix of new music & wellknown tracks... his motto: "...from the deepest darkest heart of the mission come the throbbing beats of something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue. All for you..." - Mark Langan's comment on our HJ debut: 'A great slowbeat rock disk straight from The Netherlands on this two piece band's freshman release. Guitar, piano, a mix of female and male vocals along with a rhythm box creates a great sound. Recommended tracks: 3, 5, 6, 7, 10.' - we had apple pie all day to celebrate our debut on KALX college radio!!

>> COLLEGE & INTERNET RADIO CAMPAIGN -- they're playing 4 of our new tracks: You Can Leave Your Light On, Miss You Like Crazy, Just Say So and Ow Ow (Space Station) on Monies New Music radio from UK -- Coverage Radio Show (lifestyleradio.net) from Ontario, Canada -- Sound Machine Radio (3 time winners New Music Weekly Internet Radio Station of the Year) -- Radio Seagull from The Netherlands, IndieCastNetwork from Bloomington, Indiana, US, WDYN from Rochester, New York, US...


>> INTERNET RADIO AIRPLAY -- we also jumped up and down after hearing that our tracks You Can Leave Your Light On, Miss You Like Crazy, Just Say So and Ow Ow (Space Station) are enjoying internet radio airplay on worldwide streaming internet radio Jango Radio in US states California, Michigan & New York -- but also in 44 more countries like: Australia, Germany, France, Serbia, Ukraine, Portugal, Bulgaria, South Africa, Colombia, Canada, Mexico, Philippines, China, Aruba, Romania, Turkey, Norway, Lesotho, Equador, Bolivia, Korea, Russia, Taiwan, India, UK, Ireland, New Zealand, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Singapore, Poland, Bahrein, Italy, Spain, Israel, Indonesia... --- they're playing our tracks on shows next to artists like John Mayer, Angus & Julia Stone, Portishead, Coldplay, Bush, Eurythmics, Foo Fighters, The Dandy Warhols, Red Hot Chili Peppers...

>>WDYN, Dynamic Indie Radio from Rochester New York added our slowbeat rock tracks 'Happiness Junkie' and 'Just Say So' to rotation - listen to WDYN
>> WNIR national indie radio US - added our new single You Can Leave Your Light On into rotation on listen to WNIR

>> MOST LIKES of Jango Internet radio listeners for these Happiness Junkies tracks:
1. You Can Leave Your Light On
2. Miss You Like Crazy
3. Just Say So

>> REASONS TO BE CHEERFUL PART-3....every week we receive new confirmation notes that more Jango internet radio listeners hit the FAN button after hearing a HJ track You Can Leave your Light On, , On a Tuscan Hill, Miss You Like Crazy, Just Say So or Ow Ow (Space Station) on their station -- these Jango radio listeners are from US, Canada, Australia, Japan, France, Colombia, Spain, Mexico, Croatia, Rumania, Israel, New Zealand... go Jango internet radio!



>>MIDDLE TENNESSEE MUSIC (US) features interview with Happiness Junkies, link added soon here

>>HIGHEST REVIEW RATE OF THE WEEK of all new entries for our album 'Happiness Junkies' on divideandconquermusic (Indie Music Album Reviews section)


>>SEND US YOUR ONELINER REVIEW AFTER HEARING HAPPINESS JUNKIES to enter FREE band shirt competition -- send to [ info ] @ [ commuse.com ]

>>AMAZING... - we connected to a UK based platform for emerging independents: AmazingTunes, they link to AmazingRadio

>> NEW TOP-3 most streamed HJ tracks on Spotify: 1. Miss You Like Crazy 2.You Can Leave Your Light On 3. Just Say So

>>HAPPY FOR FREE...? WIN your own cool Happiness Junkies T-SHIRT in your fave size and color... Enter the competition by sending us your ONELINER review of our Happiness Junkies debut album... listen on Spotify, Deezer, Bandcamp, youtube or wherever you like... (check direct MUSIC links on our site) -- then send us your ONELINER review by e-mail -- we look forward hearing from YOU!


Get the latest Happiness Junkies first? Subscribe to our  NEWS list

'music that makes you feel and think' (Indie-Spoonful.com)..'welcome addiction'..'love that voice'...'she reminds me of Portishead' >> Reviews & Quotes


>> let's go Shopping

>> our studio monks story

  >> PINS & PICS

Thoughts to share? Send us a




album title: 'Happiness Junkies'

Written, recorded & produced by Happiness Junkies • Lyrics by El • Mastered by Don Tyler @ IO Mastering, Los Angeles, US • Label: Commuse • All songs all rights reserved


Happiness Junkies [cover cd]
Download / Buy      go below for Streaming
  Full album  
  Miss You Like Crazy (single)
  Just Say So    
  On a Tuscan Hill    
  Happiness Junkie    
  Move Along     
  If Not Wiser, Just Older    
  You Can Leave Your Light On     
  Miss You Like Crazy (album version)    
  Ow Ow (Space Station)    
  Hold You in Your Love    
  And the Sunset    
  Full album  


'love those little sounds and melodies'

'her voice somehow reminds me of Portishead...'

(Cliff, Spotify listener, NL)

'Happiness Junkies are a welcome addiction'

'...a debut album filled with music that makes you feel and think. The female-male duo, ... offer up rock melancholia with intelligent lyrics that you can ease your mind into...'

(Silvie Marie, Indie-Spoonful.com)

'This new CD is great. Onno's guitar is at a new level of excellence... El's vocals are outstanding'

(Dennis German, Michigan, US)


"A sense of true love runs through the Happiness Junkies’ “You Can Leave Your Light On”. Keeping things to the essentials the song has a warmth radiating throughout it. Compassion rests at the heart of it all."


"A pensive groove that feels like a jar of melancholy honey pours over your soul to a slow, hypnotic back-beat. Equally sweet and rich are the vocals of El who sings, "I know- your rights. I know your wrongs and don't you think the world will carry on. Contrast comes and contrast goes the highs, the lows when it's all said and done, but you can leave your light on."
"You Can Leave Your Light On" is both a love song and a message for our times (pleasepasstheindie.com)

'El's voice is a rare alto find that comes from a place deep in her soul and resonates with authentic passion and expression. She has the kind of voice that easily connects listeners with the meaning of each word she sings. Sparse instrumentals (electric guitar, piano, and percussion) create the illusion of a much thicker arrangement. "You Can Leave Your Light On" is a beautiful song about the light within that can shine even when there is darkness outside.'(pleasepasstheindie.com) 

'Great stuff, we will sure play it at ScannerFM'

(music director Carlos, ScannerFM, Barcelona)

'Hi guys, I had a listen to your album yesterday and love it, I am playing three tracks from it on 'Sunday Brunch' this morning. Fantastic album, well done!'

(Martin Haskell, ExileFM radio, UK)

'I will be happy to playlist your tracks on the NBTMusicRadio stations!'

(Martin, NBTMusic Radio broadcasting from 3 stations: in Germany, Toronto and worldwide)

'A great slowbeat rock disk...
...straight from The Netherlands on this two piece band's freshman release. Guitar, piano, a mix of female and male vocals along with a rhythm box creates a great sound. Recommended tracks: 3, 5, 6, 7, 10'

(Mark Langan, host Deep Mission show, KALX radio, CA, US)

'This is gotta be the band name of the year... And I like that sound... it's deep rich and full... what a great voice'

(Zman, radio dj ArtistFirst.com radio, Ohio, US)

'cool album... '
'great summer music too'

(Don, Los Angeles, US)


'Congratulations! Your song has been added into rotation on the Refugees of Rock show on WNIR!'

(Bryon, National Indie Radio, US)

'a very relaxing, often calming album with your beautiful warm and at the same time powerful voice... and Onno's relaxed guitar playing, so much variation in sound, from crystal clear to powerful and magical...!'

(Andrea, Bruxelles, BE)

'Excellent song!'

(Ernesto from Guadalajara, Mexico, after hearing Miss You Like Crazy on Jango internet Radio)

'Interesting music... I think that this blues and melancholic sound is suitable for our main channel. So we took in the rotation the track Just Say So. Expect appearance soon on the Main Channel and in the premiere section on Patreon'

(Sochi Lounge Neon Radio, Russia)

Your song 'You can Leave Your Light On' has received several plays

(Stevie Gordon, Radio Seagull, NL)

Love it...love it...love it. Just listening to You Can Leave Your Light On... superb

(Dave Postal, Music Director, Laurel Canyon Radio, CA, US)

'You're Featured New Music Track on Birch Street Radio from Montreal...!'

(Dan, music director BirchStreetRadio.com)

'Hi guys from Happiness Junkies! Thanks for sharing your music personally. I'll add "You Can Leave Your Light On" on Punto Caramelo, a late night playlist consisting on downtempo and chill out melodies. Definitely, it will be a great addition! Cheers,

(Nico Zicarelli, music director BlurFM, Buenos Aires, Argentina)

It is a relaxed disc, but its sound variations can bring you from the most powerful to the most clear and magical Es un disco relajado, pero que sus variaciones sonoras pueden transportarte de lo más poderoso a lo más claro y mágico

(translation review in Spanish, La Libélula Radio, Mexico)

'With electric guitar and piano entwined, female vox and a rhythm box, the duo achieves a mesmerizing sound, a slow groove for a fast world'

(Silvie Marie on The Indie Music Reporter)

"A sense of true love runs through the Happiness Junkies’ “You Can Leave Your Light On”. Keeping things to the essentials the song has a warmth radiating throughout it. Compassion rests at the heart of it all."

Skopemag.com about HJ on intenational compilation album That Summer Two (BWH Music Group)

"The album easily gets better and better as it goes along. Well worth a download, support the indie world and discover some fresh and professionally crafted new tracks along the way.

(review BWH compilation album 'That Summer, Two' (includes You Can Leave Your Light On) on stereostickman.com)



Happiness Junkies [cover cd]



Happiness Junkies [cover cd]

Download /buy
  Full album  
  Miss You Like Crazy (single version)    
  Just Say So      
  On a Tuscan Hill    
  Happiness Junkie    
  Move Along     
  If Not Wiser, Just Older    
  You Can Leave Your Light On     
  Miss You Like Crazy (album version)    
  Ow Ow (Space Station)    
  Hold You in Your Love    
  And the Sunset    




Order your own
Happiness Junkies T-shirt (100% high quality cotton) for only € 16 / $ 18 / 13,50 GBP + low shipping costs!
various colours, GIRLIE or MALE |  S, M, L, XL or 2XL

*note: shirts are made exclusively 1 by 1, so it takes 7 days to arrive in your snailmailbox
go to this recommended store:





Date Venue   City  Time



Happiness Junkies 

Happiness Junkies 

Happiness Junkies 

Happiness Junkies 

Happiness Junkies 

Happiness Junkies 

Happiness Junkies 





KALX radio (CA) playlist 080119 


Hes saying hello from Thailand 

La Libelula Radio Mexico 1 






Contact independent label Commuse at


RADIO / PRESS : get full Electronic Press Kit (EPK) for Happiness Junkies here




